Foto av kunst utstilt i restaurant Horisont
Art collection and gallery

Artistic experiences

At Horisont, you can join an artistic journey through our three floors and see Ervik & Sævik’s art collection. In addition, you can catch exciting exhibitions in the gallery R/ART – a newly launched commercial art gallery.

Foto av Galleri R/Art

Galleri R/ART

In the times ahead, R/ART will show exhibitions of Norway’s leading artists in many styles, expressions and techniques.

There will also be separate exhibitions for glass and ceramics. Common to all exhibitions is that everything in the gallery will be for sale, so that just YOU can take home a great work of art from R/ART.

  • Foto av trappen i inngangspartiet på Horisont, med flere kunstverk utstilt
  • Foto fra kunstsamling i andre etasje, verk av Magne Furuholmen i forgrunnen

The art collection Ervik & Sævik

Here you can experience the best in Norwegian contemporary art, pop art, ceramics and glass.

Rita Sævik has used art as an expression for her personal diary of a life with ups and downs. She is therefore very attached to the pictures, and each picture has its own story. Come and see and let yourself be moved, inspired and provoked. Go on to our digital guide that guides you through the exhibition.


Hva skjer?

Kunstutstilling – Kenneth Blom

Startdato 31.08.2024 - Sluttdato 31.10.2024


Startdato 25.10.2024 - Sluttdato 25.10.2024
Foto: Julie Jacobsen Bjerke

KUNSTÅPNING – Therese Teige

Startdato 01.11.2024 - Sluttdato 30.11.2024

Contact us

If you need more information, you can send us a request via the form below or contact us by e-mail eller by telephone 700 80 700.